You can earn up to 500 La Quinta Returns points quickly and easily when you connect your social media accounts — and the points reportedly post to your account instantly.
Register here for the La Quinta Returns Social Rewards promotion and receive 100 La Quinta Returns points. Then:
- Link your social media handles to La Quinta and get 100 La Quinta Returns points per channel
- During registration, follow La Quinta on Twitter and Instagram to receive 100 additional La Quinta Returns points for each social media channel which you follow
- Tweet or Instagram with #LQReturns and get 50 La Quinta Returns points
You can earn a maximum of 500 points just by following the aforementioned steps.
Additional Information About La Quinta Returns
If you are not a member of the La Quinta Returns frequent guest loyalty program, you can sign up here. Low reward levels start at 6,000 La Quinta Returns points.
The benefits which become effective as soon as you join as a member of the La Quinta Returns frequent guest loyalty program include — but are not limited to:
- Ten base La Quinta Returns points per dollar spent
- Express check-in
- Late check-out — when available
- A special toll-free telephone number exclusively for members of the La Quinta Returns frequent guest loyalty program
- Secured account access via the Internet
- La Quinta Returns points never expire as long as your account
remains active every 18 months - Easy redemption of your La Quinta Returns points for rewards — which includes your choice of:
- Free room nights at La Quinta Inns and Suites properties systemwide
- Free room nights at select luxury resorts worldwide
- Gift cards and certificates which are good at many retailers and restaurants
- La Quinta Returns points can be exchanged for your choice of frequent flier loyalty program miles offered by airlines; and also Amtrak Guest Rewards points
- Donate your La Quinta Returns points to the Fisher House Foundation Hotels For Heroes program, which is a service that provides free hotel stays to military family members requiring accommodations while loved ones are being treated at a medical facility far from home
- Magazines for as few as 900 La Quinta Returns points — meaning that after you earn your 500 quick and easy La Quinta Returns points from this promotion, you are already greater than halfway there
Considering that La Quinta Returns points are fairly versatile for what you can possibly redeem them — and if you are active on the aforementioned social media channels — you may want to take a few minutes and participate in this promotion to get your maximum of 500 La Quinta Returns points and apply them towards quickly earning the reward of your choice.
Source: La Quinta.
Thank you very much for this La Quinta points information. My points were ready to expire with them in one month and now that I have new points I’m good for another 18 months
You are more than welcome, Marshall Brown — and I am happy to learn that the article helped you extend your La Quinta Returns points for another 18 months.
If I catch another promotion before your points are ready to expire again, I will be sure to post the details in a future article…