Virgin America Bonus

Virgin America Bonus

If you try Next Issue for free with a 30-day trial and continue by paying for a membership, you’ll get 500 Elevate points upon your first monthly payment, an additional 500 Elevate points upon your second monthly payment and 15 Elevate points upon each subsequent monthly payment for the first year. If you stay subscribed for one year, the total you’ll earn is 1,150 Elevate points. The offer is valid for Next Issues customers in the U.S. only and the offer ends Feb. 28, 2015. Some of the magazines available include allrecipes, Architectural Digest, Bloomberg Businessweek, Conde Nast Traveler, Consumer Reports, Esquire, National Geographic and very many more. Visit to learn more and sign up for Next Issue.

Bottom line: Next Issue offers unlimited access to over 140 magazines thorough your electronic reader including the most popular tablets, iPhone and Windows 8 computers (but not Nook or Kindle devices).