Looking for a great investment in the tony Las Vegas area? Have we got a deal for you. Purchase a Majestic Manor or Residence at the Conrad Las Vegas and receive 1,000,000 HHonors bonus points. But you better hurry because this offer ends July 1.
Touted as ultra luxurious condominiums, you will reside in the tallest occupied building in Las Vegas, one block west of the Las Vegas Convention Center and just north of the new Wynn Resort. Now scheduled to open December 31st, 2006, prices range from $700,000 to $2.5 million.
Hilton HHonors bonus points will be credited to the member’s account in three installments after the member signs a binding purchase agreement: 250,000 points on July 1, 2005, 250,000 points on July 1, 2006, and 500,000 points when the member takes possession of the property. The bad news of course is that these bonus points do not count toward VIP tier qualification. Other bad news (sorry) is that you can only earn up to 3,000,000 HHonors bonus points during the offer period. For the record, 1,000,000 HHonors points is probably worth about $6,000, depending on how you spend them.