Airbus have delivered 112 Airbus A350’s in 2019

a white airplane flying in the sky

Airbus have delivered a total of 112 Airbus A350’s in 2019 and they have ramped up the production line compared to 2018.

In 2018 Airbus did not reach the 100 mark on the yearly production line for the Airbus A350, but with 19 more produced in 2019 they reached a total of 112.

Totally Airbus have now produced and delivered a total of 347 of their most modern long haul airplane.

The split between A350-900 and A350-1000 is the following:

  • 87 A350-900
  • 25 A350-1000
a close-up of a chart
Airbus Production Number for 2019

This is how the Airbus production numbers looked like in 2018:

a screenshot of a chart
Airbus Production Number for 2018


Photo Credit: Creative Commons