Basic Economy Caveat: Gate Service Fees

a row of seats on an airplane

How well do you understand Basic Economy fares?

There are many reasons to revile the Basic Economy fares now offered by the Big Three airlines. They’re cheap, sure. But they’re also punishingly bereft of basic amenities, which must be purchased at additional expense.

So nasty is Basic Economy that Delta chief, Glen Hauenstein, acknowledged in this week’s earnings call with industry analysts that most travelers would avoid it “when they see exactly what it is.” That’s a telling statement that raises several questions about the product.

Question one: If Basic Economy is so undesirable, why are the airlines adopting it? The airlines of course claim it’s all about offering consumers more choices. A more cynical take is that Basic Economy is nothing more than a clever way of raising the average price of coach: Basic gradually becomes the new entry-level fare, allowing the airlines to charge a premium for regular coach.

Another question concerns travelers’ ability to “see exactly what it is.” While the airlines make a point of covering Basic Economy’s restrictions in the fare’s terms and conditions, it’s clear that many travelers remain unclear about what is and is not included with the stripped-down fares. So-called gate service fees are a case in point.

A standard condition of Basic Economy is the carry-on bag restriction: Passengers are limited to a single “personal item” and are prohibited from using the overhead bins. That effectively forces Basic Economy customers to pay extra to check their normal-sized bags. If that weren’t nasty enough, American and United also charge a $25 gate service fee for anyone who makes the mistake of arriving at the gate with their full-sized bag.

That’s a mistake that is only likely to be made by someone who’s unaware of the harsh penalty for making it. Technically, the consumer has no cause for complaint, since the fees are published on the airlines’ websites. But as a practical matter, keeping abreast of the Basic Economy restrictions and fees, especially the more esoteric ones like the gate service fee, is difficult at best. A cynic might even suggest that the airlines designed the fares that way.

Basic Economy fares: caveat emptor.

Reader Reality Check

Are you a fan of Basic Economy? Are you aware of all the trade-offs the low fares require?

After 20 years working in the travel industry, and almost that long writing about it, Tim Winship knows a thing or two about travel. Follow him on Twitter @twinship.

This article first appeared on, where Tim is Editor-at-Large.