Earn with new loyalty program CheapCash and earn up to $75 when booking any flight

CheapTickets has launched a loyalty program called CheapCash that offers up to $75 when booking a flight at CheapTickets.com. CheapCash works in the following way: 1) book any flight on CheapTickets; 2) earn $50 in CheapCash; 3) cash it in right away on your next hotel stay. You must book the hotel within 30 days of earning the CheapCash and the stay must be completed within one year of booking.
If you book through a CheapTicket mobile app for iOS or Android, you can earn $75 CheapCash on flights (the usual $50 plus a $25 app bonus) and you can also earn $25 CheapCash when booking a hotel through a CheapTicket app.
CheapCash can be combined with other promotions such as the Cheap of the Week program–a weekly deal that gives customers up to 20 percent off the site’s best hotel deals. The fine print reads that members can only earn up to $100 CheapCash per year.
Not all CheapTickets bookings offer CheapCash and the fine print states that the amount of CheapCash you can earn varies depending on the promotion. Eligible flights are stand-alone bookings (not part of a package) that show an “Earn CheapCash” message in the search results. If you book a hotel using CheapCash and cancel the booking, the CheapCash will be credited back to your account with the original expiration date.
CheapTickets.com has also introduced a hotel pricing comparison feature that compares CheapTicket’s hotel rates with up to four competitors, and if the CheapTickets price is higher, the company will match the lower price plus give the customer $50 in CheapCash. For more information, go HERE.

INSIDE|Point: The CheapCash program launched in beta in April and of those who redeem CheapCash, nearly one-third do it the same day–and that may be the best way to take advantage of the offer because if you don’t book within 30 days, you’ll lose the option. The fact that CheapCash members can earn only $100 CheapCash per year is a major drawback and makes the program more of a limited-time promotion than a loyalty program.