Want to earn miles just by answering quick online surveys? We alluded to this last month, and can now tell you more: Officially launching in January, the e-Miles Web site is now live. Sign up today to become a charter member and to start earning miles in Continental OnePass, Delta SkyMiles, Northwest WorldPerks or US Airways Dividend Miles.
It’s a super easy way to earn extra miles. You simply input personal information and an e-mail address and password, and you will receive surveys to answer to earn miles (for example, you can earn 30 miles by answering an automotive survey).
You can choose how often you want to receive e-mails with earning opportunities and how much time you’re willing to spend answering the surveys. And look for a special offer for members of FlyerTalk when the program launches in January. It’s just our way to help every member remain active in their frequent flyer program so that no one will have to worry about “expiring miles.” (Especially since e-Miles doesn’t cost you anything except some of your time.)
As we said in the launch, this is one of the first times that there is a permanent method to earn miles for your time, not miles for your next purchase of something. We like to say this is a sort of “a mileage run with your eyeballs.” Given the new shorter expiration policies of Delta and US Airways, this comes at a good time for all.
The fine print: Miles will be deposited into your preferred airline’s frequent flyer account in increments of 500 miles automatically at the end of each quarter. For instance, miles earned with e-Miles will be deposited in January following the October-December quarter. If you have less than 500 miles or you are short miles to deposit another 500-mile increment during one quarter, those miles will roll over into the next quarter. e-Miles miles not deposited expire one year from the quarter in which they are earned. For example, miles earned in January will expire in April of the following year if they have not been deposited into your preferred airline’s frequent flyer account. You must respond to at least one e-Miles marketing message per month for your e-Miles miles to remain active and once the miles are deposited into your frequent flyer program, the miles will be subject to the rules of that program. Go to http://insideflyerus.wpengine.com/link/?46 to sign up.