Delta Offers Double Miles

Delta Offers Double Miles

Delta is offering numerous double-mile opportunities this fall through its Delta Connection Carriers for travel to/from cities such as New York, Jacksonville, St. Louis, Atlanta, Nashville, Boston, Fredericton (New Brunswick), Fort Lauderdale, Raleigh-Durham, Asheville and Flint.

The promotion routes, applicable dates and promotion codes are: JFK-JAX (9/15-11/15), Promo Code #4055; JFK-STL (9/1-10/31), 4063; JFK-BNA (9/1-10/31), 4062; FLL-BNA (9/1-10/31), 4060; FLL-RDU (9/1-10/31), 4061; BOS-YFC (8/15-11/15), 4057; ATL-FNT (10/1-11/30), 4059; and ATL-AVL (9/1-10/31), 4056.

To enroll, visit online or call (800) 558-3358 and enter the appropriate promotion code.