View from the Wing

View from the Wing

The Blog.

No, it’s not the resurrection of a goopy creature from 50’s horror flicks. “Blog” is short for “Web log,” an increasingly popular means of getting your news and views out on the Internet.

Veteran flyer Gary Leff has loaned his own “blog” to, in the form of a new column, View from the Wing, offering his take on the freebies and foibles of frequent traveling. Gary is Director of Finance and Treasurer of the Mercatus Center, a public policy research institution at George Mason University, and holds a degree in Economics (summa cum laude) from California State University, Fresno. He’s been a regular contributor to Inside Flyer and for some time now, but you don’t need to wait on us anymore to get the latest from him. Check out his wit, wisdom and occasional irreverence as he takes on the world of miles and points, at

[Editor’s Note: We are thinking of introducing additional blogs on various travel topics. If you might be interested in starting your own online Web log, let us know.]