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Author Randy Petersen
Author Archives for "Randy Petersen".
Author Archives for "Randy Petersen".
Mileage runs: We’ve reported on them since 1986, but we’ve never quite seen a run like this one. Marc Tacchi, a 30-year-old pilot from Vancouver, Canada, and prominent member of,… Continue Reading
As we lie around in a post-Christmas torpor, surrounded by stacks of torn wrapping paper, Randy asks: Remember when? And oh, yes ... there's someone you all should meet. Continue Reading
Do you know how close you are to getting that dream reward? If not, don’t panic; Marriott is sending some help your way in the form of the DreamRewards Tracker. The DreamRewards Tracker is a Web-based… Continue Reading
Choice Hotels is heading North this winter and Choice Privileges members are reaping the benefits. Choice Hotels recently announced that they are integrating the Choice Privileges program with Choice… Continue Reading
China Airlines is rewarding its most loyal Dynasty Club members. Dynasty Club members who accumulate 30,000 miles or more in 12 consecutive months will now have access to the China Airlines CKS/Kaohsiung… Continue Reading
There are many advantages to purchasing airline tickets online: convenience, reduced fees, and bonus miles, just to name a few. Now there may be an even better reason to book your flight online. Continental… Continue Reading
The US Airways/America West merger has Dividend Miles members breathing sighs of relief as they haul in new benefits. But what about longtime America Westers? A disillusioned former FlightFund member… Continue Reading