They’re mad as hell and they aren’t going to take it anymore. It’s not the first time that a frequent flyer program has been sued, but it’s the latest. According to the Vancouver Sun, quite a few members of Aeroplan are not happy with the program’s mileage expiration policies and are looking closely at a class action that Owen Falquero, a Montreal lawyer with the Merchant Group is putting together. Specifically, Aeroplan members are not happy with the “date-stamping” of their miles and the fact that they must have a mileage earning activity at least once every 12 months to keep their miles–and that many have lost all of their miles with these policy changes. Falquero says the case he hopes to build revolves around the matter of notice–that Aeroplan did not provide enough notice–or at least, whatever they did wasn’t enough. “If all you had to do to save $3,000 worth of points was buy a couple of bucks worth of gas,” he said, “everybody would do it. So the fact they didn’t do it is proof they didn’t know.” The class action suit hasn’t been authorized by the court to go ahead, but Aeroplan members who are interested in joining the suit can visit and click on “Class actions.”