Mothers Day is rapidly approaching, and since mom probably has enough “#1MOM” t-shirts to outfit a small village, it’s probably a good time to start looking at some other options. A good place for HHonors members to start their search is the HHonors merchandise and specialty service rewards.
A can’t-go-wrong-option is Tiffany & Co. Members can redeem 25,000 points for a US $50 gift card (promotion code TC50), or 40,000 points for a $100 gift card (TC100). As you might expect, Tiffany has a wide variety of “mom-stuff,” like jewelry, elegant crystal and fine china. To redeem HHonors points for Tiffany gift certificates, call (800) 548-8690.
If elegant crystal isn’t her thing, then let mom know you love her by redeeming 40,000 points for a US $100 gift certificate at Bloomingdales (BMC2). Or, if you’d prefer the “it’s the thought that counts” approach, spend 25,000 points for a $50 Bloomingdales gift certificate (BMC1). Call (972) 788-0878.
And of course there is the perennial fallback — flowers from redemption awards start at 15,000 points for a $25 gift certificate (25FTD) and 25,000 points for a $50 gift certificate (50FTD).
From fruit baskets to flowers, HHonors members will find that perfect gift for mom with just a quick look at the HHonors award selection, found online at