New for 2008, EarlyReturns is providing a buy back option for members whose miles expired after the 2007 calendar year, due to inactivity. Members will have the opportunity to reactivate or buy back the miles they lost, in their entirety, for the following amounts: $50 for 1-4,999 miles; $100 for 5,000-19,999 miles; $200 for 20,000-49,999 miles; $300 for 50,000-99,999 miles and $400 for 100,000 or more miles. Members will have until the end of the year in which the miles expired to buy back their expired miles, in this case Dec. 31, 2008. Unredeemed EarlyReturns miles accumulated in the member’s account will expire at the end of the second calendar year after the last accrual or redemption activity date, so as long as you earn or redeem miles at least every other year, you won’t need to worry about buying back your miles.