Which card is it that offers double points for gas? If you have a hard time remembering which credit card has the best offer for certain types of purchases, a new iPhone app called Glyph can help. The free app will track your location using a geolocation detector and recommend which credit card will give you the highest return for your spending. It will also recommend credit cards that have a better offer for the type of business you are visiting. Future plans for the Glyph app include credit card account management features such as balance information and payment alerts.
We wrote about a similar company that is also helping members keep track of the rewards cards in their wallet in the August InsideFlyer. The Wallaby Card is a cloud-based digital wallet that stores information about all of your credit cards and automatically picks the best card to charge in each transaction when you swipe. While the Wallaby Card is $50 a year, Wallaby has also launched a free app that will advise members on which credit card to use at checkout.