UsingMiles members can now view thousands of bonus offers from some of the 160 travel loyalty programs featured on the site. You can do a key word search to pull up bonuses you might have an interest in, for example, Denver, Europe, Marriott, Visa, vacation, etc. When we searched “New York” we were presented with logos of 30 loyalty programs (a green box with a number beside each logo indicates how many bonuses you will find once you click the logo), and when we clicked the Priority Club Rewards logo, the opening page featured five bonus offers with links to further information. Along with the keyword search, you can also narrow your search by categories such as Air Travel, Hotel, Credit Card, etc. You can also submit information for bonus offers to help add to the database. This service is available to Premier, not Basic, UsingMiles members.
Bottom line: This is a useful tool but we caution that since anyone can add to the bonus offers, do a bit of your own research before assuming that it is correct. The tool seems especially useful when you are looking for bonuses for a particular city or a particular program partner such as Netflix, Vinesse, etc.