Why Do Blinds Have To Be Open During Take Off And Landing?

a man in a suit and tie on a plane

So, you’ve boarded your plane, and are ready for take off, pondering what pre-dinner drink to have. But it’s so dazzling outside that you pull your window blind down, only to be told to raise it for take off. Why?

a man sitting in an airplane

Window blinds have to be open during take-off and landing no matter what the light is doing outside. BAA, one of the top independent aviation training centres in Europe, says this is for safety reasons. They explain:

“If anything happens during a take-off or landing, your eyes will already be used to the day or night light outside, thus you will be able to react more quickly.”

This is also the reason why the lights are dimmed during take off and landing.

In addition, cabin crew will be able to see more clearly if there is a problem with the engine or wings, and emergency services will know immediately if there is smoke or fire on board. If the aircraft needs to be evacuated, you will be able to see the safest way to exit.

Well now that you know why the blinds have to be kept open during take-off and landing – is it time for that aperitif?