Grab A Free 6-Month Upgrade to AwardWallet Plus…

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We have written a number of times in the past about AwardWallet, and for good reason. It remains one of the single most useful website/apps for miles and points collectors.

The benefits of AwardWallet

Put simply, AwardWallet allows you to store your log-in details for various loyalty schemes (and other accounts, including Amex) and you can then view (and update) all your account balances in one single page. You’ll find pretty much all the necessary schemes work with the site.

a screenshot of a computer

In addition to this being a very useful way of keeping track of your various miles and points, it also helps you avoid letting points expire (it’s easy to forget about some of your lesser-used accounts).

a screenshot of a computer

The enhanced and easy-access visibility is clearly an excellent way of monitoring whether there has been fraud on your accounts, too.

Is it secure?

I have used AwardWallet for several years now without a single issue.

You can read their full FAQs here, but to summarise the key security aspects:

  1. They use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving customer data exchanged with the site.
  2. They have appropriate security measures in place in their physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that they have collected from you.
  3. They offer two-factor authentication on their accounts.
  4. All of your sensitive data is encrypted in their secure database

Free to use, but worth upgrading…

AwardWallet is free to use, but it also offers AwardWallet Plus. For $30 a year, you get the following key benefits:

  • Balances update at 5 times the speed
  • Your points expiry dates are listed in your account
  • You receive emails warning you when points are about to expire
  • You can update your balances as often as you want, rather than just twice per day

And a free upgrade is available!

We currently have a fantastic giveaway of AwardWallet upgrade codes, as follows:

New users of AwardWallet who sign up with the coupon code insideflyer will get a free 6 month upgrade to AwardWallet plus. You can either use this link to sign up (it should prepopulate the coupon code), or you can add it in the box:

award wallet promo code

Note that this code is unlimited. If you are a new user of AwardWallet, you’ll get a guaranteed 6 months free AwardWallet Plus, regardless of how many others sign up.

Existing users cannot benefit from the above code, but we do have twenty free 6 month upgrade codes to give away. To benefit, simply enter your email address here and we will draw the winners on Friday 19th March 2021.

Win one of 20 AwardWallet Plus 6-month upgrades now

If you’re a miles and points collector not already using AwardWallet, you really should be – this is a great opportunity to get their premium service for your first six months, without paying a cent.