for Miles for Miles

Viator is an online resource for travel experiences, providing information for more than 5,500 tours, attractions and activities throughout the world. The site features customer reviews, star ratings, suggested itineraries and the Viator Travel Blog. Visitors can plan and book their trips through the site. With recent advances to the site, visitors can now earn frequent flyer miles — one mile for every U.S. dollar (or equivalent) you spend on

Miles may be earned on all products offered on the site as long as you provide your frequent flyer account information, and the name of the credit card you use is the same as on the frequent flyer account. You can choose to earn miles in American AAdvantage, Delta SkyMiles, United Mileage Plus or US Airways Dividend Miles. The fine print states that United Mileage Plus and US Airways Dividend Miles members must spend a minimum US$100 per transaction to qualify for miles. Visit to learn more.