Hilton Experience

Hilton Experience

Are you experienced? Hilton experienced? The new Hilton Experience Rewards offer a seemingly endless variety of awards from which to choose. Riding a Harley, skiing, hang gliding, surfing, private cooking lessons, tandem skydiving, private yoga instruction, fighter pilot for a day or maybe you just want to look really, really good. The Guerilla Makeover offers an elite San Francisco team dedicated to extolling the simple virtues of style, taste and class; in short, they will transform your look Queer Eye style. For three hours they will customize your makeover to make you into whatever you want to be: Urban Chic, Fashion Runway, Hippie Loose, Retro Punk, Rock Star? You tell them what you want, and they’ll apply their knowledge and experience to make it happen — all for 40,000 HHonors points. Visit http://www.hiltonhhonors.com/experience to find out more.