SPG.com Ratings and Reviews

SPG.com Ratings and Reviews

Guests at Starwood Hotels and Resorts can now share their experiences with other travelers at the spg.com website. With the new Ratings & Reviews feature, guests can write reviews of their stays at Starwood Hotels or Resorts worldwide and view reviews written by other guests.

The review feature can also be accessed on each hotel’s web page. You can sort reviews by filters such as Star Rating and SPG Level, mark whether reviews are helpful or not and share your favorite reviews. To write a review, you must have stayed at the hotel in the past 18 months and enter your SPG number or reservation confirmation number. You can rate the hotel across five categories: Overall Rating, Room Comfort, Staff Met My Needs, Room Cleanliness and SPG Recognition. Ratings will be checked by Starwood for profanity and to ensure the writer actually stayed at the hotel but negative comments will not be censored.