Northwest Email Updates

Northwest Email Updates

Wondering whether your flight is on time while you are sitting in a taxi on your way to the airport? Northwest Airlines passengers can request real-time flight information and gate status via email anytime, anywhere.

To use the email service, send an email to [email protected] and in the subject line, type “Get (Northwest flight number).” You can also include a date in mm/dd/yy format or use the words “tomorrow” or “yesterday” to get information about a flight on another day. If you don’t specify a date, you will be sent flight information for the day you send the email. For example, type “Get 803 today” and in a couple of minutes, you will receive an email with detailed information about your flight including the departure and arrival gate and whether the flight is on schedule.

You can also type “Help” in the subject line to receive instructions on how to use the email notification service.